Unleashing the NIKE Approach: How Growth Marketing Changed the Game
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Unleashing the NIKE Approach: How Growth Marketing Changed the Game

Updated: May 22, 2023

Have you watched AIR yet?

Oh my goodness! If you haven't, I highly recommend doing so as soon as possible! It is an incredible movie, and I'd love to explain why I believe it is such a masterpiece.

Let me start by sharing an interesting fact about NIKE. Before they took a leap of faith on Michael Jordan, NIKE was a company with the lowest market value. Many people might not be aware of this, but at that time, NIKE was primarily known as a running shoe company with little impact on the NBA. I must admit that I was also unaware of this until recently. I have always loved NIKE, but for different reasons, even before I discovered the captivating story behind the AIR Jordans.

Let's dive into the story a little bit...

In 1984, ADIDAS and CONVERSE (ALL STARS) were the biggest companies with the highest market value, and Jordan himself was not initially focused on NIKE. He was leaning more towards ADIDAS. So, what caused Jordan and his family to change their minds? The answer lies in GROWTH MARKETING.

NIKE offered Michael something that none of the other two companies did: his very own line of shoes. They created a shoe around the needs and preferences of their client, rather than the other way around. This approach revolutionized the industry.

Nowadays, I see so many companies, including my own, making the mistake of approaching things backwards. We often develop a product or service that solves a problem or provides value, and then we market it as if it were the best thing on earth. While this may be true, it's exactly what ADIDAS and ALL STARS did to Michael Jordan.

So, let's shift gears and adopt the NIKE (growth marketing) approach. Let's delve deep into understanding our target audience. Who are they? What do they want? How can we make their lives easier? How can we create a meaningful impact in their lives? And most importantly, what benefits can they gain from working with us instead of our competitors? What "WOW" factor are we creating for them?

We were pleasantly surprised by the multitude of changes, implementations, and adjustments we were able to make as soon as we began incorporating these questions into our own agency.

Therefore, I encourage you to revisit all your marketing strategies in the coming months with these questions in mind. Take a closer look at whether you are embracing the NIKE approach or following the ADIDAS and ALL STARS approach.

If you find that you are not taking the NIKE approach and would like assistance in getting there, reach out to us! We have successfully implemented it in our own company, and it has truly transformed the game for us. We believe it can do the same for you.

We are giving a FREE marketing and branding audit to entrepreneurs who are genuinely committed to making a significant impact on their target audience through a growth marketing approach.

Take advantage of this FREE audit here!

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